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Tips In Saving Your Energy Costs

Today, you can really see how people become dependent on electricity. But because these days are crisis period, most of the prices are fluctuating, and energy cost is not an exemption. It would be a great idea to save more by reducing the cost. Electricity cost is very costly but it can be lowered effectively.


There are lots of ways how to lower down the energy cost.


Change your everyday habit.


There is an increase in your electric bill because of your every day habit. You can do the following tips so that you can save on your electricity bill.


See to it that you turn off everything that is operated through electricity just like TV, lights, and computers. Put your computer on sleep mode if you are not using it for a short period of time. When you won't use your computer for a long period of time, you must turn it off so that you can save on your electric bill. When it is summer, you must close your windows covering the south, east and west. If it is winter, you should open all your windows in order for the sunlight to come in. You can lower down the heat lost at the chimney through glass fireplace. If you are not using it, you must close the fireplace damper. Click here for more tips in saving energy cost.


Every month, you should clean and replace furnace or the air conditioner filter. When the filters are dirty, it obstruct the air flow in the system which shorten the life span of the equipment and increasing your energy cost. As long as you wear the right clothes for the weather and you are still comfortable, you should lower down your thermostat. You should turn down your thermostat more during winter and use more blanket compared before. You can lower down your heat energy by using shower and not bath. It is best to use fans rather than AC if it is summer. If you will also use fan to support the cold air from AC, the thermostat will increase a bit. Because fans consumer less energy than AC, this is possible. Only rooms which you use should be heated or cooled. You should close the doors of the room if they are not in used. If you wish for more tips about energy saving, check it out!


You may also change your electric appliance. Because of your electronic appliances, the energy cost is increased. Time will come when you must replace your electric appliance. You must replace your appliances when it is already an old technology. This is because it consumers lots of electricity. A good example of this is the incandescent light bulb. If you will compare it with a fluorescent bulb, it consumes more electricity.


If you are going to buy a new electronic appliance, you must check if it has an energy save label. This label warrants energy saving. View for tips on how to cut cost on household expenses.

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